How to create a MQ

How to run a MQ program

1.Install MQ Series.

Go to command prompt and use command.

-> crtmqm QM1 ( to create queue manager.Here "QM1" is your queue manager's name)

-> runmqsc QM1

After running runmqsc you will get a new prompt where you need to run commands related to queues.

$ create qlocal MyLocalQ


2. Go to Example directory

3. use : amqsputc.exe to put a message in to MQ QUeue

-> amqsputc QM1 MyLocalQ "My Message goes here"

4.use : amqsgetc to get a message from queue

-> amqsgetc QM1 MyLocalQ

You receive the message which you had put on the queue i mean "My Message goes here".

Just wanted to teach you the very basic exercise.

Introduction to MQ API.