This section provides a procedure for building, configuring, running, and shutting down a sample application based on simapp

This is a brief description of the TUXEDO Simple Application.

The Simple Application consists of a single server offering a single

service. The service is called TOUPPER. The client is run with

a single argument, which is a string to convert to upper case.

The client calls the service, which returns the converted string.

The client then prints that string.

Example: simpcl "Hello World"

Returned string is: HELLO WORLD

This application runs a single server on a single machine. It is

designed so that it can be up and running within minutes after

installing the TUXEDO software.

You should probably copy the simpapp files to your own directory,

since the configuration file must be edited and you might also

want to experiment with the client and server code.

You need to set several environment variables before using

TUXEDO or running any TUXEDO application:

TUXDIR - base directory of the TUXEDO software

APPDIR - base directory of the sample program

PATH - must include %TUXDIR%\bin

TUXCONFIG - full pathname of binary tuxconfig file

WSNADDR - This is only needed on workstation clients. Refer to the

Workstation Documentation or the WSL man page for the format of the


Edit the script setenv.cmd, which sets all of these variables.

The sample configuration file, ubbsimple, must be edited to replace

the bracketed items with values appropriate to your installation.

Your TUXDIR and TUXCONFIG environment variables must match the

values in the configuration file. At this point you should build the

server and client executables using simpapp.nt.

After editing ubbsimple, create the binary TUXCONFIG file with the command:

tmloadcf ubbsimple

(Answer "y" if it asks you whether it should proceed)


You can build the server and client executables using the makefile simpapp.nt.

An alternative way to do this is as follows:

buildclient -o simpcl -f simpcl.c

buildserver -o simpserv -f simpserv.c -s TOUPPER

The Simple Application can be booted with the command:

tmboot -y

Then you can run "simpcl" as shown in the example above.

Simpcl can be run as many times as you wish.

When you are done, you can shut down the Simple Application with

the command:

tmshutdown -y

Suggested next steps:

Run more than one copy of the "simpserv" server, all operating

from a single queue (Hint: See the RQADDR parameter in ubbconfig

man page).

Configure a networked application, where the client and server

run on different machines.

Try the administrative command, "tmadmin", to display and

modify the parameters of the running application. (Try

suspending the TOUPPER service, and then running the client.)